Fapco excels in automated parts kitting and parts procurement.
Our capabilities include custom kitting of small parts and/or fasteners for retail sale or inclusion with ready-to-assemble spare parts. Parts kitting is supported by high speed automated counting and weighing equipment for fast, consistent production. Accuracy of our vendor managed inventory is verified with ultra sensitive check weighing equipment that will detect the absence of a single piece.
The Inventory Management Industry
Inventory management is a recurring and commonplace issue, and in many cases, companies operate on a purely tactical basis. As parts run out, the buyer reorders. This can produce countless wasted hours — and time equals money. Poor record-keeping can also contribute to cost.
Industry research has shown that up to 85% of fastener and industrial supply costs can be associated directly to inventory overhead activities like administration, inspections and even over-ordering.
For this reason, companies set up vendor-managed inventory programs (VMI) to get exactly what they need when and where they need it without maintaining excess inventory.
VMI also has a lot of potential to reduce spend and reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). TCO encompasses every financial aspect of products within a supply chain.
A VMI can significantly reduce TCO in a few different ways:
- With a VMI, the supplier takes that responsibility, and keeps a stock of the parts and components an OEM needs to reduce lead time.
- The supplier can deliver goods in smaller quantities on a more frequent basis, so employees won’t need to spend as much time organizing and putting away large inventory shipments.
- A VMI partner like Fapco manages the quality inspection process and will send approved samples to the OEM customer for final approval.
Fapco, Inc., is a leader and pioneer in contract packaging and parts flow management. Our four plants total over 409,000 square feet of space for your every contract packaging need, including: Versatile Aftermarket Kit Packaging Solutions, Spare Parts Packaging Solutions, and Skin Packaging Machine.
How can we help grow your business? Let’s get started today.