

Contract Packaging Supporting Retail Environment

“OEM manufacturers, both large and small, can actually reduce overhead costs and become more agile by integrating their contract packaging and retail fulfillment systems with a full-service firm like Fapco.” –Larry Gardiner, President  There are two types of customers that Fapco Inc. can help with contract packaging to support the retail environment. The first is...
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Fastener Packaging Supplied for Flex Demand Retail

When Trinity Logistics, a major fastener supplier to the OEM assembly market, wanted to venture into selling product to retail through their own branded catalog, Fapco was able to receive product in its bulk state, package it in the quantities needed, and fulfill it back to Trinity to handle the retail demand. “They sell their fasteners...
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Contract Packaging and Branding Assures Loyalty

“Most OEM companies don’t realize that contract packaging firms like Fapco can help brand customer loyalty and increase profits.  We can help OEMs by strategically reducing internal costs, improving the supply chain flow of these accessory parts and help create new profit centers that many manufacturers are too burdened to deal with,” states Fapco President,...
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